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Screenmobile named a 2021 FRAN-TASTIC 500 Franchise

In more exciting news, Screenmobile was recently named to FranServe’s FRAN-TASTIC 500, which recognizes 500 franchise brands going above and beyond the norm to help people fulfill their business ownership dreams through franchising.  When asked about this latest award for Screenmobile, Ben Torrie, Head of Development, said As a brand, we strive to be transparent, act with integrity, provide ample …

Controlling your Destiny with Screenmobile

Screenmobile is an organization that has been around for 40 years now. Originally founded in 1980, we began franchising just 4 short years later. Today, as America’s ONLY mobile screen repair franchise, we have been able to grow to over 120 open, successful territories. We at Screenmobile know and understand that times are tough, but with the recent uncertaininty surrounding …