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Franchise Owner Duties and Responsibilities

May 27, 2022

Business newspaper and business ownership

What Does a Franchise Owner Do?

Starting with a franchise, some people might ask, ‘well, what does a franchise owner do?’ imagining that they’re just sitting back with their feet up while the business runs itself. The franchise owner’s job description, however, as anyone in the field knows, contains a lot of responsibilities, not just in terms of operating the business but also the paperwork, personnel decisions, marketing campaigns, and many other tasks.

These franchise owner responsibilities are all-encompassing, and many owners find that they end up covering every job title within the operation. It’s part and parcel of franchise ownership, and, apart from the fact that it allows you to fill staffing gaps where needed, these franchise owner duties also give you a more complete sense of every aspect of the job, allowing you to understand staff better as well as knowing what you may need to seek advice about. Here we’ll look at just some of those franchise owner duties that anyone thinking of starting a franchise needs to know about.

6 Franchise Owner Duties


1. Financial Responsibilities 

This is one of the most challenging franchise owner duties as, unless it’s an accountancy franchise, not everyone is skilled with the intricacies of paperwork, accounts and payroll. But, being a franchise owner means you have to get used to it, as understanding where your money is going and how it’s coming in is how you’ll get to know which areas of the business need focus or where you might need outside help, such as advice from your franchisor.

2. Staffing and Training

As your franchise grows, it’s normal to have to take on people to help you run the business from different aspects. This can be quite a challenge and is one of the franchise owner duties that owners often need advice on as dealing with subordinates, especially when it’s your own business, can get very personal. Not all personalities are going to get along, but they also don’t have to, as you are also responsible for training; making sure your staff are well-equipped to perform their own roles can be as far as your input as an owner needs to go.

3. Taking a Leadership Role

Not only are you responsible for hiring, firing, and training staff, but they also look to you as the leader of the business. For some, this can be a difficult role to play as they may just want to keep their head down and do the work. That’s ok. Some prefer to lead by example rather than words, but whichever leadership approach you choose, remember that it’s always there, and people in the business will be looking to take their cues following your lead.

4. Customer Service

Dealing with your own staff is one thing, but dealing with customers can be a whole different ball game. As the public face of your franchise, one of the core franchise owner’s duties is to build relationships with customers, whether that’s making sales or taking complaints. Good customer service can help build your franchise into something beyond its brick-and-mortar presence, and it’s the benefit of being an owner that you get to decide how your own business engages with the public.

5. Responsibilities to Your Franchisor

The nature of franchising creates a very specific franchise owner duty that other small business owners don’t have, the relationship with your franchisor. Franchisors, in general, are there to help and support you, you carry their name, and the better you do, the better they do. However, it is still a relationship with responsibilities to be upheld on both sides. In return for your royalty or territorial fees, you will receive training and support throughout your relationship and, in many cases, also the products and services your franchise sells. This makes your partnership completely intertwined and one to obviously maintain in good order.

6. Running Your Local Marketing

While your franchisor is in charge of the larger-scale brand marketing, which could even be nationwide, in most cases, franchise owner duties involve looking after their own local marketing. Your franchisor may even provide promotional materials or guidelines on how to market your business, but it will be up to you as an owner to make sure you are getting in front of potential customers in order to build your business.

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Final Points on Franchise Owner Duties

There are a number of franchise owner duties and responsibilities that can encompass the whole of what your business does. This can run from doing payroll to training staff to dealing with an unhappy customer, on top of the normal tasks. Whatever role or responsibility you are involved in is not only a good way to make sure the job gets done. It also helps you understand your business from different angles.

If you believe you have what it takes to fulfill all these franchise owner duties and want to start out in your own business, then why not talk to us about franchising opportunities? You can get in contact with us here to find out more.

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