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3 Advantages of Owning a Franchise

A franchise agreement sees a person start a business that is basically a copy of an existing business. However, there are many more elements involved and differences from how one franchisor operates compared to the next. Franchising is a popular way for many to start their own business, and franchises are also a significant element of the US economy, employing …

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6 Reasons Why Franchises Fail

Franchising can be the perfect business model to give you financial independence and full control over your calendar. However, nothing in life or business is ever certain, and new operations are more likely to fail for a number of reasons. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 45% of new small businesses have failed after five years. The statistics …

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What to Expect the First Year as a Franchisee

Becoming a franchisee can be one of the best decisions you ever make, giving you complete control over your own schedule, rewarding you for your hard work, and giving you a clear path for the rest of your career. Yet, despite the potential for significant improvements in both income and work-life balance, taking on your first franchise business is still …

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What is a Franchise Lawyer?

What is a Franchise Lawyer?  A franchise lawyer is an attorney who specializes in the laws and regulations governing new businesses and those regarding franchising in particular. Depending on your area, there may be a specific franchise law firm with franchise lawyers who are completely dedicated to federal and state franchise law and don’t practice anything else. However, it is …

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Pros and Cons of Franchising

Like anything else in life, franchises come with both upsides and downsides. That’s why we recommend that anyone interested in opening a small business should carefully consider the pros and cons of franchising. This helps potential franchise owners know exactly what to expect before they get started with the process of opening a franchise because the last thing you want …